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Nucynta 100mg | Uses, doses, side effects and withdrawal of Nucynta

Nucynta 100mg | Uses, doses, side effects and withdrawal of Nucynta

Suffering from body pain can feel like a burden on the quality of our lives. Nucynta 100 mg or Palexia is the popular opioid analgesic Tapentadol brand name. It is a prescription medication for treating acute and chronic pain in people. The Nucynta analgesic incorporates a dual mechanism of action that makes it a safer and easier option for patients. The popularity of this opioid analgesic brings along numerous questions about its activity and usage. This article provides a complete user guide for Nucynta 100 mg for beginners. 


Tapentadol Benefits- Uses of Nucynta 100 mg

Nucynta and Aspadol, the two brand drugs of Tapentadol, provide effective relief from both acute and chronic pain. It is clinically proven to manage diabetic neuropathy in users. The use of Nucynta ER is not advisable for acute pain. 

Some of the conditions for which one can order Aspadol 100 mg online are-

  • Post-operative discomfort 

  • Cuts and injury 

  • Arthritis

  • Poor posture 

  • Lifting heavy objects, 

  • Tense muscle. 

Taking Nucynta 100 mg tablets can help manage pain within 30 minutes of the medication intake. The administration of the Nucynta dosage for diabetic neuropathic pain is clinically proven. It is important to note that apart from the conditions mentioned here, several other Nucynta 100 mg uses exist. A user should consult a physician before taking the tablets. 

 Is Nucynta a Controlled Substance - It is one question most users wonder before taking the pain medication. Tapentadol or Nucynta is a Schedule II controlled substance that may result in dependence if not used correctly. Thus, following the correct dosing and administration guidelines is essential while taking this pain medication. 

Nucynta dosage for adults

The Nucynta dosages are available in three strengths. The most commonly prescribed Nucynta dosage is Nucynta 100 mg. However, the other strengths of the drugs are Tapentadol 50 mg and Tapentadol 75 mg. 


Nucynta dose for adults

Figure 1: Efficacy of Nucynta 100 mg, 50 mg, and 75 mg over Placebo


Figure 1 from a research study by Nalini Vadivelu et al. shows a clear graphical representation of the efficacy of all three Nucynta dosages over Placebo. It indicates that Tapentadol 100mg (Nucynta 100 mg) is the most potent analgesic dosage for managing a person's body pain. The onset of the action of the Nucynta 100 mg drug is 30 minutes, with its efficacy lasting for 5 to 6 hours in the user. Therefore, a person can take 3 to 4 doses of Tapentadol pain medicine daily.

Long-term use of Nucynta 100mg  

The long-term use of the Nucynta 100 mg drug is not advisable. Physicians prescribe the use of the analgesic drug for 2 to 3 weeks of continuous usage. Overdosing on the medication can elevate the chances of experiencing side effects. Taking Nucynta tablets for a long time can cause addiction and dependency. It also increases the chances of Nucynta side effects in the user. 

Tapentadol withdrawal

A user taking Nucynta 100 mg should not abruptly discontinue the use of the opioid analgesic without consulting a doctor.

 Weaning off opiates should be first done by lowering the Nucynta dosage before ultimately terminating its usage. Failing to do so can cause Nucynta side effects and withdrawal signs in the user. 

The Tapentadol drug withdrawal symptoms and opioid addiction abuse signs are [1] 

  • Life-threatening respiratory depression

  • Hallucinations

  • Diarrhea

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety 

  • Sweating 

  • Body pain 

  • Opioid withdrawal syndrome

  • Neonatal opioid withdrawal signs in pregnant women buying Nucynta without the guidance of a physician

These symptoms can vary in intensity depending on the Nucynta dosage and strength. In severe cases, a person should consult a doctor for better medical guidance.

Nucynta ER vs. Nucynta IR- Know the differences


Nucynta ER vs Nucynta IR- know the difference

The FDA classifies Tapentadol (Nucynta) as two different opioids in the USA, i.e., Tapentadol ER (Extended-release) and Tapentadol IR (Immediate release) [2]. The table represents the differences between the two doses of Tapentadol (Nucynta ER vs. Nucynta IR) and its action in users.


Tapentadol IR- Immediate release

Tapentadol ER - Extended release


Tapentadol 50mg, 75mg and 100mg

Tapentadol 100mg and 250mg


Acute and chronic pain

Only chronic pain 


Every 4 to 6 hours

After 12 hours

Recommended limit



Prescription usage

Moderate acute and chronic pain, neuropathic pain

Severe chronic pain and mixed pain syndromes


Fasting acting formula and release 

Slow-release over some time


The doses of Nucynta should not be taken by crushing and breaking. Doing this will supply Nucynta all over the person's body and can further risk the person's health. [3].  

Tapentadol (Nucynta 100mg) drug interactions  

Users who buy Nucynta 100 mg without consulting a doctor should take proper care while taking the analgesic. Taking the medication with other drugs can cause interactions that can lower the drug's potency and time of action. It also raises the possibility of the user's occurrence of Nucynta side effects. So, if you are using other medicines or treatments, it is advisable for you to first consult a doctor before taking the Nucynta dosage. Some of the clinically significant drug interactions of Nucynta 100 mg pain medicine [4] are-


Drug Category 

Clinical impact of the drug interaction

Drug type

Medical indication

Benzodiazepines or CNS depressants

It can cause fatal respiratory depression, breathing problems, profound sedation or coma, and neonatal opioid withdrawal.

Tranquilizers, other opioids, muscle relaxers, 

Consult a doctor immediately 


Using Nucynta with Alcohol can make the person more tolerant to alcohol and cause dizziness and drowsiness. In pregnant women, these interactions can cause neonatal opioid withdrawal.

Any alcoholic beverage 

Immediate consultation is not necessary 

Agonist Opioid pain medicine 

Using  Nucynta 100mg with Agonist Opioid Analgesics can reduce the drug's potency.

Metaxalone, cyclobenzaprine 

Immediate consultation is not necessary 


It can link to lowering diuretics' efficacy and enhance the secretion of antidiuretic hormones. It can also cause breathing issues in the user.

Terlipressin, oxytocin, argipressin, lypressin

Immediate consultation is not necessary 

Serotonergic Drugs

It can cause serotonin syndrome in the user, along with neonatal opioid withdrawal and mild breathing trouble.

Mirtazapine, tricyclic antidepressants

In severe conditions, it is best to consult a doctor. 

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

fatal respiratory depression causing breathing trouble, neonatal opioid withdrawal, and coma.

Linezolid, phenelzine, 

Consult a doctor immediately 

Anticholinergic Drugs

Users can face urinary retention and breathing issues, including neonatal opioid withdrawal.

Clidinium, dicyclomine, Enablex, 

Consult a doctor immediately 


Nucynta side effects


Side effects of Tapentadol analgesic


Opioid analgesic products such as Nucynta 100 mg are safe for medical use with meager chances of causing severe side effects in the user. The correct intake of the Tapentadol dosage will ensure minimum chances of causing side effects by the pain medication. Some of the Nucynta side effects are listed below. 

  • Fatal respiratory depression

  • Excessive sweating 

  • Blurry vision 

  • tapentadol neonatal opioid side effects can cause improper growth and development issues in the child

  • Palpitation 

  • neonatal opioid withdrawal signs 

  • Breathing problems 

  • Agitation 

It is best to stay calm and relaxed in such conditions and consult a physician for practical medical assistance. 

Tapentadol (Nucynta) medicine review

The Nucynta review from users is its testimonials for efficacy and potency. Most Nucynta reviews published on trusted health sites, and websites establish a profound user base advocating the benefits of the analgesic.


Tapentadol (Nucynta) medicine review


The above image shows the average Nucynta medicine rating from drugs.com and WebMD. Most user reviews indicate that Nucynta's side effects are not common in long-term usage. Such people also state that using the Nucynta dosage helps manage aches that showed no improvement from other tablets. 

Nucynta vs Hydrocodone comparative study also shows that Tapentadol is a much liked analgesic than Hydrocodone. Based on the website WebMD review, Hydrocodone had a rating of 3.5, whereas that of Nucynta is 3.2.

Nucynta 100 mg tablets safe for uses 

The proper intake of the Tapentadol (Nucynta 100mg) medicine will ensure minimum adverse effects from the opioid analgesic. Here are a few Tapentadol user guidelines to help you benefit from the treatment. 

  • Pregnancy- Neonatal opioid withdrawal and Nucynta side effects in pregnant women who use Tapentadol without consulting a doctor are common. It also risks the steady growth and development of the child. 

  • Overdose- Taking the Nucynta dosage for more than the recommended strength can cause overdose, thus increasing the chances of causing side effects such as breathing issues in the user. One must not take the Nucynta dosage more than three to four times daily. 

  • Health issues- Taking Tapentadol 100mg dose for health disorders such as renal impairment, cardiac disorder, and liver issues can cause adverse effects on the user. Therefore, such people should only buy Nucynta pain medicine after consulting a doctor. 

  • Age- taking Tapentadol at an age above 65 years and below 17 years is not advisable. 


Non-prescription use of Tapentadol | Is it safe to buy Nucynta online?


Non-prescription use of Tapentadol | Is it safe to buy Nucynta online?


The safety assessment of the medicine is responsible for the potential increase in the non-prescription use of Tapentadol 100mg. It is a prescription medication; therefore, one cannot buy Nucynta over the counter. However, online pharmacies do provide the medicine without a prescription. Healthnaturo is an Online Pharmacy in the USA that aims to make medication readily available and affordable to people. Our customers can buy Nucynta online without a prescription with assured discounts and offers. Some of the customer benefits of choosing Healthnaturo over others are-

  • Free shipping

  • 24x7 customer support

  • Transparent policy 

  • Genuine product

  • Hassle-free return options 

  • Free extra tablets on the first order. 


  1. “Tapentadol Withdrawal and Detox”, therecoveryvillage 

  2. Patient considerations in the use of tapentadol for moderate to severe pain”, Nalini Vadivelu et.al, NIH.gov

  3. What is the difference between Nucynta and Nucynta ER? sharecare

  4. Nucynta, Rxlist